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Friday, May 9, 2014

Comma Flingers - Check this out!!!!

Stop flinging those commas!!!!!!!!!

1.      Use a comma to separate three or more words, phrases or clauses in a series.
Please go to the store and get bread, a gallon of milk, and peanut butter.  Here’s $40.00 to cover it. 
2.   Use a comma to set off two or more prepositional phrases.
In the morning on the way to school, may we get Cheddar rounds?
3.   Use a comma after an introductory participle and an introductory participial phrase.
Walking in the park, we watched a shooting star above our heads.
4.  Use a comma after conjunctive adverbs.
School is cool; however, I’m glad it’s almost summer!
5.   Use a comma to set off non-essential appositives
The student, Mickey Mouse, finished his homework. 
6.   Use a comma to set off words or phrases of direct address.
Mrs. Hensley, am I passing your class?
7.    Use a comma before a conjunction joining two main clauses.
I don’t need new shoes, yet I bought three pair!
8.    Use a comma after an introductory adverb clause and to set off nonessential adjective clause
After I bought new shoes, I needed a new purse.
Comma errors, which are common, can be easily corrected.
9.    Use a comma to separate parts of an address or a date.
Do you know who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC?
10. Use a comma after the salutation and close of a friendly letter
Dear Mr. President, 

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